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Liejamos grindys

Cast floors

Cast floors are a modern flooring option that is rapidly gaining popularity due to its unique design and functionality. These floors are made from a special cement or epoxy mixture that provides a seamless and durable surface. This type of flooring is widely used in various construction projects, for various spaces, from residential premises to hotels or shopping malls.

This type of flooring has many advantages. First of all, the integrity and smooth surface of the floor reduces the amount of dust and thus improves the hygiene of the premises. In addition, poured floors perfectly meet the requirements of heating systems, characterized by a high thermal conductivity coefficient. And the unique design of the floor allows you to create different textures, colors and effects, giving the spaces a modern and exclusive image.

Another important advantage is easy maintenance. Cast floors are resistant to moisture, water and the growth of microorganisms , so they are durable and retain their luxurious appearance for a long time. Society is increasingly choosing this type of floor not only because of its functionality, but also because of its modern design, which gives spaces an impression of exclusivity and elegance.

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Features of poured floors

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Materials kit and installation instructions

Here you will find step-by-step instructions on what to do and how to do it with the materials we offer to get the best possible waterproofing effect and benefits for poured floors.